Dennis Saka
Ants are a fascination for me and I deeply believe in their philosophy of existence.
1. Never giving up.
2. If the load’s too heavy, asking for help.
3. Ants without a load making way for ants laden with a burden.
4. Thinking summer in winter, and winter in summer.
5. Not wasting their energy.
6. Sharing clustered resources.
I believe the ability to understand and transform complex business requirements effectively into software is a skill acquired over time in various environments, ensuring applications are delivered on time, to specification, are scalable, performance optimised and maintainable.
Experience of software technologies including Scala, Java, JavaScript, Kubernetes and Docker, GIT among others
What I Do

Dennis is an exceptional solutions architect – I have personally coined a term solutions- oriented architect, which is how I view Dennis’ skills and abilities. His ability to provide input in architectural design and forums makes him a Scala/Java engineer that sees beyond just development. I
always loved working with Dennis and his ability to plan ahead in line with scope is exceptional. He does not limit his work to development, he constantly tries to help everyone in the team understand the underlying impact of leaving other stakeholders in the dark about what you are doing. He is a forward thinking engineer.

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Fun Facts
Happy Clients
Working Hours
Awards Won
Coffee Consumed